
Central Florida Intelligence Exchange

The Central Florida Intelligence Exchange (CFIX) is an all crimes/all hazards fusion center in Central Florida supporting nine counties: Brevard, Indian River, Lake, Martin, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, St. Lucie, and Volusia. CFIX has on-site staffing from multiple local, state, and federal agencies. The CFIX is a "Fusion Center," defined by the Department of Justice as a "mechanism to exchange information and intelligence, maximize resources, streamline operations, and improve the ability to fight crime and terrorism by analyzing data from various sources."




The CFIX Mission

To protect the residents and visitors of Central Florida by providing information and knowledge, in the form of actionable intelligence, to policy and decision-makers. The Central Florida Intelligence Exchange will collect, analyze, produce and disseminate intelligence to support regional efforts to detect, deter, disrupt, and deny terrorist and criminal activity.


Records Request






Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)

If you have witnessed any defined suspicious activity, please fill out a report using the button below. We greatly appreciate your assistance in protecting our community and hope you continue to do your part.


File a Report



Reporting Suspicious Activity



Providing false information or misusing insignia, documents, and/or identification to misrepresent one's affiant as a means of concealing possible illegal activity.

Theft, Loss & Diversion:

Stealing or diverting something associated with a facility/infrastructure or secured protected site. (i.e. uniforms, badges, identification, documents, emergency vehicles or technology)

Sabotage, Tampering & Vandalism:

Damaging, manipulating, defacing, or destroying part of a facility/infrastructure or secured protected site.


Compromising or attempting to compromise or disrupt an organization's information technology infrastructure.

Expressed or Implied Threat:

Communicating a spoken or written threat to commit a crime that will result in death or bodily injury to another person or persons or to damage or compromise a facility/infrastructure or secured protected site.

Aviation Activity:

Potential threats related to the airline industry, public and private airports, aircraft, and UAV/UAS activity. The Aviation Sector remains a persistent target for extremist and criminal actors who adapt prior tactics to evade new security measures.

Eliciting information:

Questioning individuals or otherwise soliciting information as a level beyond mere curiosity about a public or private event or particular facets of a facility's or building's purpose, operations, security procedures, ect., in a manner that would arouse suspicion of terrorism or other criminality in a reasonable person.

Testing or Probing of Security:

Deliberate interactions with, or challenges to, installations, personnel, or systems that reveal physical, personnel or cybersecurity capabilities in a manner that would arouse suspicion of terrorism or other criminality in a reasonable person.

Recruiting & Financing:

Providing direct financial support to operations teams and contracts or building operations teams and contracts; compiling personnel data, banking data, or travel data in a manner that would arouse suspicion of terrorism or other criminality ina reasonable person.


Taking pictures/video of persons, facilities, buildings or infrastructure in a surreptitious manner that would arouse suspicion of terrorism or other criminality in a reasonable person. Examples include taking pictures/video of infrequently used access points, the superstructure of a bridge, personnel performing security functions, security-related equipment, ect.

Observation & Surveillance:

Demonstrating unusual or prolonged interest in facilities, buildings, or infrastructure beyond mere casual (e.g., tourist) or professional (e.g., engineers) interest and in a manner that would arouse suspicion of terrorism or other criminality in a reasonable person. Examples include observation through binoculars, taking notes, attempting to mark off or measure distances, ect.

Materials Acquisition & Storage:

Acquisition and/or storage of unusual quantities of materials such as cell phones, pagers, radio control toy servos or controllers; fuel, chemicals, or toxic materials; and timers or other triggers devices, in a manner that would arouse suspicion of terrorism or other criminality in a reasonable person.

Acquisition of Expertise:

Attempts to obtain or conduct training or otherwise obtain knowledge or skills in security concepts, military weapons or tactics, or other unusual capabilities in a manner that would arouse suspicion of terrorism or other criminality in a reasonable person.

Weapons Collection & Discovery:

Collection or discovery of unusual amounts or types of weapons, including explosives, chemicals, and other destructive materials, or evidence, detonations or other residue, wounds, or chemical burns, that would arouse suspicion of terrorism or other criminality in a reasonable person.

Sector-Specific Incident:

Actions associated with a characteristic of unique concern to specific sectors (e.g., the public health sector), with regard to their personnel, facilities, systems, or functions in a manner that would arouse suspicion of terrorism or other criminality in a reasonable person.




Intelligence Liaison Officer Program

An Intelligence Liaison Officer (ILO) is an identified person (sworn or non-sworn) within a law enforcement, emergency services, public health, or private sector entity responsible for reporting and disseminating suspicious activity and other criminal intelligence information to their local agency and CFIX. To apply to become an intelligence Liaison, please contact CFIX at


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CFIX Partners


Florida Department of Law Enforcement U.S. Department of Homeland Security Federal Bureau of Investigation Florida Highway Patrol Indian River County Sheriff's Office Orange County Public Schools Police Orlando Police Department Transportation Security Administration Volusia County Sheriff Office Osceola Sheriff Office Seminole County Sheriff Office St. Lucie Sheriff's Office Brevard County Sheriff Office Lake County Sheriff Office Martin County Sheriff Office Immigration and Customs Enforcement